Cantonese Opera

Kong Chow Wui Koon Music and Opera Section

Music and Opera Section since its formation in 1947 has been active in social services and promoting traditional opera. Its troupe has put up performances for charity events and toured Berlin, Guangdong,Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia with raving reviews.

Brief Introduction to Cantonese Opera

Cantonese opera had emerged in Cantonese-speaking Guangdong and Guangxi regions since the 16th century and became popular in Guangzhou and Foshan during the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911),using mostly Bangzi and Erhuang tunes. Following the opening Of Hong Kong and mass emigration Of Chinese labourers to Southeast Asia in the mid- 19th century,Cantonese opera spread to Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Like all versions of Chinese opera, it is a traditional Chinese art form, involving music, singing, martial arts, acrobatics, and acting.

The UNESCO awarded Cantonese opera the status of an intangible cultural heritage on 30 September 2009 .

Wilfred Aw Yeong

从事粤剧工作40年, 加入冈州会馆乐剧部30年,他12岁时就开始跟姐姐学唱和做,得到艺术家胡桂馨的指导。又得到粤剧著名表演艺术家红线女的垂青成为红派入室弟子,得红老师的安排,跟随广东粤剧学校刘国色老师学习身段。曾往北京戏曲学院学习身段与导演课程。跟随京剧艺术家胡芝风学习身段与步法,中国艺术国宝裴艳玲学习舞台人物刻划知识。现任冈州会馆乐剧部艺术指导 / 导演。

Opera classes are conducted by Creative Director Aw Yeong Peng Mun (female duet).

Class timings

Wednesday: Opera singing class from 8pm to 10pm

Class fees:

——- subject to changes ——-

Opera Clips

Click to watch